Upcoming event: Transgender – Rights at work
On Tuesday 9 December, the Intergroup on LGBTI rights will host a discussion between MEPs, NGOs and EU Institutions on transgender rights. Registration is now open.
Throughout the EU, discrimination against transgender people is widespread. Over half of the transgender respondents to the EU LGBT Survey of the Fundamental Rights Agency say they experienced negative comments or conduct because of their gender identity. Problems relating to the labour market are vast, resulting in high unemployment rates and harassment at the work floor.
The meeting will see the launch of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s Being Trans in the EU, a trans-specific analysis of the EU-wide LGBT survey of 2013. Furthermore, Transgender Europe (TGEU) will launch its report on access to employment for transgender people.
Speakers will include representatives from Transgender Europe as well as representatives from the European Commission and the EU’s Agency on Fundamental Rights.
The seminar will take place in Brussels, and is open to the public.
Guests without an access badge should send an email to contact@lgbt-ep.eu, indicating their full name, date of birth, city of residence and passport/ID card number before Sunday 7 December midnight.