New legal report on homophobia and transphobia in the EU 30th November 2010 1467 0 0 Today the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency released an updated EU-wide legal analysis: Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on...
Podcast: Legal report on homophobia and transphobia 30th November 2010 1774 0 0 A special episode this month: we’re with Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency, and Evelyne...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Phallometric testing for gay asylum seekers 2nd December 2010 1499 0 0 In a report published recently, the Fundamental Rights Agency points to the use by Czech immigration authorities of phallometric testing. The...
European Parliament reaffirms commitment to respectful relationship with ACP countries, including human rights 6th December 2010 1506 0 0 Responding to a statement by parliamentarians from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, the European Parliament reaffirmed the importance of...
European Commission issues clear statement on mutual recognition of same-sex unions 7th December 2010 1488 0 0 The European Commission issued a clear statement on the 1st December, explaining that the mutual recognition of existing marriages and...
European Parliament calls for protection of LGBT people’s human rights worldwide 16th December 2010 1382 0 0 Today the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report pays particular attention to human rights...
European Parliament repeats firm opposition to Uganda’s Anti Homosexuality Bill 17th December 2010 1387 0 0 Yesterday the European Parliament adopted an urgency resolution condemning the “Anti Homosexuality Bill” under consideration in the...
European Parliament asks Lithuania to reconsider homophobic laws 19th January 2011 1499 0 0 Today the European Parliament called on Lithuanian MPs to reject an amendment to the Lithuanian Code of Administrative Offences. The proposed...
Response to the parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity disorder 21st January 2011 1367 0 0 European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection John Dalli answered a parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity...