European Parliament disapproves of new Hungarian constitution 5th July 2011 1446 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the revised Hungarian constitution. Recalling Hungary’s obligations under...
Summary: LGBTI Rights in the World 7th July 2011 1695 0 0 On 30 June 2011, the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights held a hearing on LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex)...
MEPs welcome Lithuania’s new progressive law on advertising 11th July 2011 1335 0 0 A new Law on the Provision of Information to the Public came into force on 30 June, outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation. Previous...
Podcast: Highlights of the year 15th July 2011 1617 0 0 As the parliamentary year comes to an end, we look back on the highlights of the year for LGBT rights in the European Parliament. We also welcome...
European Commission: Banning gay men from donating blood is against EU law 8th September 2011 1646 0 0 The European Commission recently affirmed that EU law does not warrant widespread bans on blood donations from gay and bisexual men in several EU...
European Parliament welcomes recent UN developments on sexual orientation and gender identity 28th September 2011 1432 0 0 Today the European Parliament joined the United Nations’ call for safeguarding the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)...
European Parliament: World Health Organization must stop treating transgender people as mentally ill 29th September 2011 1438 0 0 In a resolution adopted yesterday, the European Parliament has called on the World Health Organization to stop considering transgender people as...
Belgrade Pride banned: Members of the European Parliament express deep regret 30th September 2011 1385 0 0 The Serbian LGBT pride march Parada Ponosa, due to take place on Sunday in the capital, was banned today by the National Security Council. The...
3 men arrested for ‘acts against nature’: Members of the European Parliament call for their immediate release 19th October 2011 1386 0 0 Last Thursday, police in the Turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus arrested three men in their private home. After five days already spent...