Human rights in the world: Parliament’s annual report points to serious abuses for LGBTI people 12th December 2013 1616 0 0 Yesterday, the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report reviews the situation of human rights...
EU Court of Justice: Same-sex partners must have same work benefits as married couples 16th December 2013 1453 0 0 Last Thursday the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that an employee entering a same-sex civil partnership should receive the...
European Commission Vice-President boycotts Sochi over minority rights 16th December 2013 1439 0 0 Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, has announced that she...
Committee on civil liberties adopts recommendation for an EU roadmap against homophobia 17th December 2013 1465 0 0 This morning, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) adopted an own initiative report on an...
Nigeria and Uganda adopt harsh anti-LGBT laws in same week 20th December 2013 1430 0 0 On Tuesday 17 December, the Senate of Nigeria adopted the ‘Same-sex marriage (prohibition) bill’, criminalising displays of affection...
Serbia and Kosovo need to step up efforts to guarantee the rights of LGBT people, Parliament says 16th January 2014 1352 0 0 This week the European Parliament adopted two of its annual progress reports for candidate and potential candidate EU countries. In the reports on...
European Parliament strongly condemns anti-LGBTI laws in Uganda, Nigeria and India 17th January 2014 1539 0 0 In a resolution adopted yesterday, the European Parliament strongly condemned recent moves to criminalise LGBTI people in Uganda, Nigeria and...
Upcoming Intergroup event: Finding solutions to homophobic and transphobic bullying 20th January 2014 1534 0 0 On Tuesday 28 January, the LGBT Intergroup will host an event on homophobic and transphobic bullying together with the Youth Intergoup and the...
Northern part of Cyprus decriminalises homosexuality 27th January 2014 1894 0 2 This morning, the Decriminalisation of Homosexuality Bill passed the Parliament of the northern part of Cyprus. The northern part of Cyprus was...