Open letter to the Government and the Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia: concerns on the dismissal of a petition for Cohabitation legislation 12th April 2018 1595 0 0 In March 2018, the Latvian Parliament dismissed a petition for introduction of partnership legislation which would recognise all unmarried...
MEPs write to Romanian Prime Minister: protect all families 2nd October 2018 1674 0 0 In light of the upcoming constitutional referendum in Romania, aiming to change the definition of family as marriage between a man and a woman...
MEPs write to Polish Minister of Education about Rainbow Friday 13th November 2018 2208 0 0 On 26 October 2018, Rainbow Friday, a day dedicated to raising awareness about LGBTI rights in schools in Poland, took place for the 3rd...
Presidency conclusions on human rights in the EU – MEPs write to Austrian Presidency 21st November 2018 1440 0 0 In October 2018, a disagreement among the Council on a wording on LGBTI rights led the Austrian Presidency to publish “Presidency...
Open letter to Tunisian government: stop torture & arrests of homosexual men 18th January 2019 1644 0 0 In November 2018, the human rights NGO Human Rights Watch published multiple accounts of men who were arrested, prosecuted and detained for...
Lift the ban on LGBTI events: MEPs write to Ankara governor 6th February 2019 2222 0 0 In November 2017, the Governor of Ankara imposed a ban on all LGBTI-related events. Members of the LGBTI Intergroup and the EP-Turkey...
Letter to President Tajani: do not support World Congress of Families 19th February 2019 1512 0 0 Until 13 February, Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, was listed as one of the main speakers at the World Congress of Families...
MEPs to Macedonian MPs: speed up adoption of anti-discrimination law 25th February 2019 2218 0 1 Macedonia has been working on a draft law on protection against discrimination since May 2018, but its progress is now slowing down. Recent...
MEPs to Croatian government: protect Balkans Trans & Intersex March 26th March 2019 1938 0 0 On 30 March, the city of Zagreb will host the Balkans Trans and Intersex March on the theme “My body – my temple! My identity – my...