Response to the parliamentary question on violence in Surabaya, Indonesia 3rd June 2010 1478 0 0 The European Commission replied to a parliamentary question on hate violence that prevented ILGA Asia’s 4th conference from taking place in...
Commissioner Viviane Reding: The Charter of Fundamental Rights must become a reality for EU citizens 22nd June 2010 1435 0 0 Speaking at the European Parliament this morning, the European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship said she was keen on...
MEPs ask urgent questions to the Commission on Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment 27th September 2010 1557 0 0 Following a growing row in Poland over homophobic comments by the Government’s Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment, Members of the European...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Depathologisation of gender identity disorder 23rd October 2010 1397 0 0 On the occasion of the International Day for Depathologisation of Trans Identities on the 23rd October 2010, the Intergroup on LGBT Rights has...
European Commission disagrees with the Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment 26th October 2010 1472 0 0 The European Commission has responded to parliamentary questions from Michael Cashman and Raül Romeva i Rueda MEPs, following remarks made on TV...
African, Caribbean and Pacific countries consider the “phenomenon of homosexuality” to threaten relationship with EU 24th November 2010 1355 0 0 A group of 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific states recently issued a unilateral declaration “on the peaceful co-existence of religions and...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Phallometric testing for gay asylum seekers 2nd December 2010 1506 0 0 In a report published recently, the Fundamental Rights Agency points to the use by Czech immigration authorities of phallometric testing. The...
European Commission issues clear statement on mutual recognition of same-sex unions 7th December 2010 1494 0 0 The European Commission issued a clear statement on the 1st December, explaining that the mutual recognition of existing marriages and...
Response to the parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity disorder 21st January 2011 1372 0 0 European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection John Dalli answered a parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity...