Public hearing on the anti-discrimination Directive 19th March 2012 1482 0 0 Tomorrow the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will hold a special hearing: ‘Unblocking the...
Hungary: European Commission will investigate new law on religion 25th April 2012 1595 0 0 Earlier this year, Members of the LGBT Intergroup asked the European Commission if Hungary’s new law on religion was compatible with...
Press conference: EU anti-discrimination law still stalled after 5 years, MEPs regret 2nd July 2013 1354 0 0 Today marks five years since the European Commission proposed a law banning discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, but also age...
Plenary summary: Anti-discrimination Directive, Roadmap, Hungary, Lithuania, Nigeria 4th July 2013 1543 0 0 During its July 2013 plenary session, the European Parliament adopted resolutions mentioning the anti-discrimination directive, the LGBTI Roadmap...
New comparative study on surrogacy in the EU 8th July 2013 1843 0 0 Today the Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs will present a study on the different legal regimes for surrogacy motherhood in the...
Live: European Parliament debates homophobia and xenophobia in Russia 9th October 2013 1579 0 0 Tomorrow morning the European Parliament will debate the increase in homophobia and xenophobia in Russia. Members of the European Parliament will...
Plenary summary: SRHR, Human rights in the Sahel, speech by the EU High Representative 24th October 2013 1353 0 0 During its October 2013 plenary session, the European Parliament regrettably sent back a report on sexual and reproductive health and rights, yet...
Frequently Asked Questions on the LGBT Roadmap report (‘Lunacek report’) 29th January 2014 1868 0 0 (Lire cette page en français) Next week, Members of the European Parliament will vote on the report for an EU roadmap against homophobia...
Rapport pour une feuille de route LGBT (“Rapport Lunacek”) : Questions fréquemment posées 30th January 2014 1827 0 0 (Read this page in English) La semaine prochaine, les députés européens voteront sur la feuille de route de l’Union européenne contre...