Podcast: The work of the Intergroup 24th September 2010 1512 0 0 This is the first episode of the new monthly LGBT Intergroup Podcast. Our guests in September: Michael Cashman and Ulrike Lunacek MEPs...
Podcast: Transgender rights 14th October 2010 1793 0 0 For the October edition of the podcast, we’re welcoming Raül Romeva i Rueda and Marije Cornelissen, two Green MEPs involved in the...
Podcast: Legal report on homophobia and transphobia 30th November 2010 1778 0 0 A special episode this month: we’re with Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency, and Evelyne...
Podcast: Homophobic laws in Lithuania 28th January 2011 1760 0 0 Last week the European Parliament voted a resolution on the violation of freedom of expression and discrimination on the basis of sexual...
Podcast: LGBT rights in Croatia 2nd March 2011 1652 0 0 Tune in as our guests discuss the situation for minorities in Croatia, the role of the Church in Croatian politics, and what the European...
Podcast: LGBT rights in Hungary 30th March 2011 1641 0 0 A new constitution with a narrow definition of family; a law on the media seeking to promote ‘traditional values’; the LGBT pride...
Podcast: Pride events in Europe 6th May 2011 1533 0 0 On 3 May 2011 we chatted with two MEPs, Christofer Fjellner and Marije Cornelissen, just before Marije flew to Moldova for the pride in Chisinau...
Podcast: LGBT people and asylum in the EU 15th June 2011 1638 0 0 Back in April, the European Parliament voted on a resolution to provide more protection to LGBT people seeking asylum in the EU. Another similar...
Podcast: LGBTI rights in the world 1st July 2011 1933 0 0 Yesterday, the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights held a public hearing on LGBTI rights in the world (read our summary)...