European Parliament says the EU should do more for transgender people’s rights 17th June 2010 1422 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted a strong position in favour of safeguarding transgender people’s fundamental rights. The Parliament...
MEPs welcome new toolkit to defend LGBT people’s human rights 30th June 2010 2236 0 0 Members of the European Parliament have welcomed the adoption by the Council of the European Union of a Toolkit to Promote and Protect the...
Paedophilia and homosexuality are linked, say right-wing MEP 1st July 2010 2929 0 2 At today’s parliamentary hearing on the sexual abuse of children, organised in the European Parliament by the European People’s Party (EPP), an...
Historic European LGBT pride underway in Poland 14th July 2010 1560 0 0 The 18th edition of Europride, the annual European lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride event, is underway. Saturday 17 July will...
European Parliament debates the recognition of same-sex unions in the EU 8th September 2010 1755 0 0 Yesterday night, Members of the European Parliament including Intergroup Presidents Michael Cashman, Sophie in’t Veld, Ulrike Lunacek and...
New EU gender equality strategy looks into transgender people’s rights 22nd September 2010 1515 0 0 Yesterday European Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Viviane Reding presented the 2010-2015 Strategy for equality between women and men in the...
Polish Minister for Equal Treatment sends censorship requests to organisations and media 3rd November 2010 1655 0 0 Following reports that the European Commission disagreed with her interpretation of EU law, Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment...
Slow progress for LGBT people in EU accession countries 9th November 2010 1904 0 0 Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in...
European Parliament wants EU countries to recognise existing same-sex unions 23rd November 2010 1428 0 0 On Tuesday the European Parliament reaffirmed that the effects of civil documents (birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, etc.) must...