Despite opposition, Parliament takes stock of LGBT equality in new report 27th February 2014 1561 0 0 Today the European Parliament voted its annual report on fundamental rights in the European Union. The report includes an extensive overview of...
Plenary summary: Parliament urges Commission and Member States to combat violence against women 27th February 2014 1423 0 0 On Tuesday, the European Parliament adopted the Parvanova report, which calls on the Commission to present a strategy on combating violence...
New EU data protection law: MEPs want to protect LGBT people’s privacy 12th March 2014 1487 0 0 Today, the European Parliament adopted two new laws at first reading to reform data protection in the European Union. Until now, the EU regulated...
Uganda and Nigeria: European Parliament calls for targeted sanctions over new laws 13th March 2014 1620 0 0 This afternoon Parliament adopted a strong resolution [LINK] condemning the Nigerian and Ugandan anti-LGBT laws, and calling on the Commission and...
Plenary summary: Progress report Turkey; UN Human Rights Council 14th March 2014 1502 0 0 The Strasbourg week is over, so it is time for a plenary update. Apart from passing the data protection package, which includes important privacy...
Summary: 2009-2019, 10 years of LGBT rights: Successes, Failures, Challenges 14th March 2014 20076 0 1 On 5 March, the LGBT Intergroup held a seminar “10 years of LGBT rights: Successes, failures, challenges.” Under the chairing of...
MEPs condemn homophobic statements by the Archbishop of Cyprus 17th March 2014 1640 0 0 At the Council of the Heads of the Christian Orthodox Church held in Istanbul last week, Cyprus’ Archbishop Chrysostomos urged all Orthodox...
Court of Justice: EU law does not guarantee maternity leave for mothers using surrogacy 19th March 2014 1377 0 0 Yesterday, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that women who become mothers via surrogacy do not have an automatic right to...
Kyrgyz Parliament considering homophobic ‘anti-propaganda’ law 31st March 2014 1442 0 0 On March 26, the Kyrgyz Parliament published a draft bill, proposing to impose tough sanctions for anyone speaking or acting in a way that creates...