Parliamentary question to the Commission: Phallometric testing for gay asylum seekers 2nd December 2010 1506 0 0 In a report published recently, the Fundamental Rights Agency points to the use by Czech immigration authorities of phallometric testing. The...
Response to the parliamentary question on phallometric testing 3rd March 2011 1588 0 0 European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström answered a written question on the phallometric testing of gay asylum seekers by Czech...
European Parliament calls for special protection of LGBT asylum-seekers 6th April 2011 1428 0 0 Members of the European Parliament voted today to modernise the EU-wide system for examining asylum claims. Among the measures adopted today...
Podcast: LGBT people and asylum in the EU 15th June 2011 1638 0 0 Back in April, the European Parliament voted on a resolution to provide more protection to LGBT people seeking asylum in the EU. Another similar...
Historic vote extends EU asylum standards to transgender people 27th October 2011 1381 0 0 Today the European Parliament formally adopted a new set of asylum rules for the European Union. The binding rules now include gender identity as...
New EU asylum rules will better protect LGBT people 12th June 2013 1511 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted a new version of the European Union law on asylum procedures. The text contains notable improvements for...
EU Court of Justice rules sexual orientation valid ground for fear of persecution in asylum procedures 7th November 2013 2118 0 0 Today the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that people fleeing their country with a well-founded fear of being persecuted...
Summary: 2009-2019, 10 years of LGBT rights: Successes, Failures, Challenges 14th March 2014 20076 0 1 On 5 March, the LGBT Intergroup held a seminar “10 years of LGBT rights: Successes, failures, challenges.” Under the chairing of...
EU Court: verification sexual orientation asylum seeker must not infringe fundamental rights 3rd December 2014 1540 0 0 Yesterday, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that authorities, when verifying the sexual orientation of an asylum seeker...