European Parliament reaffirms LGBT rights are a condition to join the European Union 10th February 2010 1935 0 0 Today the plenary session of the European Parliament adopted reports on the accession to the European Union for Croatia, the Former Yugoslav...
Slow progress for LGBT people in EU accession countries 9th November 2010 1915 0 0 Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in...
Podcast: LGBT rights in Croatia 2nd March 2011 1653 0 0 Tune in as our guests discuss the situation for minorities in Croatia, the role of the Church in Croatian politics, and what the European...
Unsafe pride event in Croatia casts shadow over accession prospects 13th June 2011 1421 0 0 On 11 June, the first LGBT pride march in Split, Croatia, was met with violence from a crowd of an estimated 2,000-10,000 right-wing extremists...
Priority question to the Commission and Council: Hate violence at Split Pride in Croatia 16th June 2011 1418 0 0 Today the Co-Presidents of the LGBT Intergroup tabled two priority written questions on the recent violence at Split Pride in Croatia, and how...
European Parliament calls on Croatia to adopt national action plan for LGBT rights 1st December 2011 1417 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the accession of Croatia to the European Union. Among other requirements, the text calls on...
New EU accession reports: LGBT rights in South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and Iceland 11th October 2012 1555 0 0 The European Commission’s annual reports on accession countries were published yesterday, and include important information on the situation...
Summary: Roundtable on LGBT Rights in the Western Balkans 26th November 2012 1587 0 0 On 22 November, the Intergroup hosted a roundtable on LGBT Rights in the Western Balkans where MEPs and the Commission exchanged with LGBT...
European Parliament takes stock of LGBT rights in Western Balkans and Turkey 22nd April 2013 1400 0 0 Last week the European Parliament adopted five of its annual progress reports for candidate and potential candidate EU countries. MEPs addressed...