Macedonia backtracks on protection from discrimination for sexual minorities 29th January 2010 1706 0 0 The Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia today announced a revised proposal for anti-discrimination legislation that will not...
European Parliament reaffirms LGBT rights are a condition to join the European Union 10th February 2010 1920 0 0 Today the plenary session of the European Parliament adopted reports on the accession to the European Union for Croatia, the Former Yugoslav...
Macedonian Parliament debates proposed anti-discrimination law with Euro MP 22nd February 2010 2003 0 0 Today the Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia held a public debate on a proposed anti-discrimination law that falls short of...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: New anti-discrimination law in Macedonia 23rd February 2010 1562 0 0 Written parliamentary question asked to the European Commission by: Michael Cashman (UK, S&D) Ulrike Lunacek (Austria, Greens/EFA) Raül...
Euro MPs to Macedonian Parliament: Don’t vote a deficient anti-discrimination law 30th March 2010 1628 0 0 Several Members of the European Parliament wrote today to the Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, urging them to reconsider...
Anti-discrimination law in Macedonia: Ultimately, LGBT people will have to be protected 14th April 2010 1602 0 0 Update: The European Commission states that the adopted law falls short of EU standards On the 8th April 2010, the Parliament of the Republic of...
European Commission: Macedonian anti-discrimination law falls short of EU standards 16th April 2010 1541 0 0 Angela Filote, European Commission Spokesperson for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, issued the following official...
Response to the parliamentary question on new anti-discrimination law in Macedonia 23rd April 2010 1498 0 0 The European Commission has responded to an earlier parliamentary question from the Intergroup concerning Macedonia’s new...
Turkish Court rules in favour of freedom of assembly 3rd May 2010 1620 0 0 Last Friday 3oth April, the local court in Izmir, Turkey, ruled in favour of the Black Pink Triangle Association‘s right to exist. The...