Slow progress for LGBT people in EU accession countries 9th November 2010 1915 0 0 Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in...
Intergroup event discussed mutual recognition of same-sex unions 11th November 2010 1607 0 0 On the 21st October 2010, the LGBT Intergroup held a meeting in Strasbourg to discuss the mutual recognition of same-sex marriages and civil...
European Commission issues clear statement on mutual recognition of same-sex unions 7th December 2010 1494 0 0 The European Commission issued a clear statement on the 1st December, explaining that the mutual recognition of existing marriages and...
Response to the parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity disorder 21st January 2011 1372 0 0 European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection John Dalli answered a parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Support to promote equality for transgender people 4th March 2011 1418 0 0 Today ten Members of the European Parliament asked the European Commission whether it planned to provide funding specifically to transgender...
Commission proposes to facilitate freedom of movement for all couples 17th March 2011 1328 0 0 Yesterday the European Commission published proposals for new EU regulations, simplifying property rights procedures for international couples...
New report on fundamental rights in the EU: More political courage needed, say MEPs 1st April 2011 1451 0 0 Today the European Commission issued the first Annual Report on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The EU’s own ‘Bill of...
Response to the parliamentary question on promoting equality for transgender people 4th May 2011 1315 0 0 Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, answered a written question on...
Summary: Free movement of same-sex families in the EU 5th May 2011 1557 0 0 On Tuesday 3 May, the LGBT Intergroup and the ALDE Group organised a public seminar on the free movement of same-sex families in the EU. Thank you...