Slow progress for LGBT people in EU accession countries 9th November 2010 1915 0 0 Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in...
Turkey and Montenegro: LGBT rights part of EU accession conditions 9th March 2011 1896 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted two resolutions on Turkey and Montenegro’s progress towards joining the European Union. The Parliament said...
Montenegro: Government fails to protect LGBT people from homophobic violence 17th May 2011 1694 0 0 A music concert was met by homophobic violence in the Montenegrin capital, Podgorica. During a performance by artist Lollobrigida on the occasion...
European Parliament adopts 2012 accession reports 2nd April 2012 1446 0 0 On Thursday 29 March the European Parliament adopted its annual enlargement progress reports for Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. All...
New EU accession reports: LGBT rights in South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and Iceland 11th October 2012 1555 0 0 The European Commission’s annual reports on accession countries were published yesterday, and include important information on the situation...
Summary: Roundtable on LGBT Rights in the Western Balkans 26th November 2012 1587 0 0 On 22 November, the Intergroup hosted a roundtable on LGBT Rights in the Western Balkans where MEPs and the Commission exchanged with LGBT...
European Parliament takes stock of LGBT rights in Western Balkans and Turkey 22nd April 2013 1400 0 0 Last week the European Parliament adopted five of its annual progress reports for candidate and potential candidate EU countries. MEPs addressed...
New EU accession reports: LGBT rights in the Western Balkans and Turkey 17th October 2013 1701 0 0 The European Commission’s annual reports on accession countries were published yesterday, and include important and extensive information on...
MEPs take stock of LGBT rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro 6th February 2014 1466 0 0 Today, the European Parliament adopted three of its annual reports on the EU accession process for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav...