Malta votes for civil unions, non-discrimination for transgender individuals, mutual recognition 16th April 2014 1723 0 0 On Monday evening, the Parliament of Malta voted to allow same-sex couples to enter civil unions and adopt children; amend the constitution to...
#EP2014: Why does this election matter for LGBTI rights? 22nd May 2014 1776 0 0 Starting today, the 8th direct election to the European Parliament will determine the EU’s action over the next five years, including in the...
Backroom deal rules out same-sex unions in Slovak constitution 4th June 2014 1527 0 0 Today, Slovak MPs from SMER (Social-Democrats) and KDH (Christian-Democrats) voted to define marriage as a ‘unique bond between a man and a woman’...
Slovak Constitutional Court decides homophobic referendum will go ahead 30th October 2014 1368 0 0 Tuesday, the Slovak Constitutional Court ruled that Slovakians will be called to vote to speak out over a set of questions seeking to limit the...
EU report reveals alarming reality trans people 11th December 2014 1626 0 0 Tuesday, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) presented the largest comparative study on the experiences of trans people in all 28 EU Member...
FYR Macedonia votes to ban same-sex marriage and create constitutional obstacle future civil unions 21st January 2015 2219 0 0 Yesterday, the Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) voted to constitutionally define marriage as a union between a man...
Homophobic referendum Slovakia fails over low turnout 9th February 2015 1351 0 0 Last Saturday, Slovakians were called to vote in a referendum aiming to limit the rights of same-sex couples by enhancing the ban on same-sex...
Parliament human rights report addresses LGBTI criminalisation, trans rights and same-sex unions 17th March 2015 1475 0 0 Last week, the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report takes account of the situation of human...
MEPs welcome Ukraine’s new LGBT anti-discrimination clause 12th November 2015 1533 0 0 Today, the Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), voted to include provisions in the Labour Code which outlaw discrimination on the basis of...