Intergroup writes to Polish MP on homophobic remarks 24th February 2010 1713 0 0 Update: Read the response letter from the Polish Ombudsman To: Stanisław Pięta MP Cc: Jan Tombiński, Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU...
The European Court of Human Rights keeps Poland in line with LGBT rights 5th March 2010 1694 0 0 The European Parliament’s Intergroup on LGBT Rights welcomed a recent decision by the European Court of Human Rights. The court in Strasbourg...
Polish Human Rights Ombudsman supported Intergroup complaint 13th April 2010 1700 0 0 Polish Human Rights Ombudsman Dr Janusz Kochanowski, recently deceased in the tragic Smolensk plane accident, had recently written to the...
Historic European LGBT pride underway in Poland 14th July 2010 1569 0 0 The 18th edition of Europride, the annual European lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride event, is underway. Saturday 17 July will...
MEPs ask urgent questions to the Commission on Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment 27th September 2010 1557 0 0 Following a growing row in Poland over homophobic comments by the Government’s Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment, Members of the European...
European Commission disagrees with the Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment 26th October 2010 1471 0 0 The European Commission has responded to parliamentary questions from Michael Cashman and Raül Romeva i Rueda MEPs, following remarks made on TV...
Open letter to Polish Minister following censorship threats 3rd November 2010 1803 0 0 Following requests by the Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment to take down articles reporting on her disagreement with the...
Polish Minister for Equal Treatment sends censorship requests to organisations and media 3rd November 2010 1663 0 0 Following reports that the European Commission disagreed with her interpretation of EU law, Polish Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment...
Open letter to Lech Wałęsa on disparaging comments about LGBT people 15th March 2013 1657 0 0 Members of the European Parliament wrote today to former Polish President Lech Wałęsa, protesting earlier remarks about LGBT people. A Nobel...