MEPs address Czech President regarding statements on trans persons and call for an apology 16th July 2021 2352 0 1 MEPs address Czech President regarding statements on trans persons and call for an apology
Trans people and the EU LGBTIQ Strategy: One year in Started 19th November 2021 989 0 0 You are cordially invited to our virtual roundtable on the occasion of Transgender Day of Remembrance, celebrated internationally on 20 November...
Press release: Transgender Day of Visibility – why this mandate can mark the difference 31st March 2022 1515 0 0 Press release: Transgender Day of Visibility – why this mandate can mark the difference
Letter: MEPs address government of North Macedonia concerning Legal Gender Recognition and the Civil Registry Law 20th April 2022 1828 0 0 Letter: MEPs address government of North Macedonia concerning Legal Gender Recognition and the Civil Registry Law
Plenary summary: persecution of minorities on the grounds of belief or religion, resolutions on Western and Sahelian Africa, impact of war in Ukraine on women and Article 7(1)TEU on Poland and Hungary 6th May 2022 1499 0 0 Plenary summary: persecution of minorities on the grounds of belief or religion, resolutions on Western and Sahelian Africa, impact of war in...
Press release: The UK government’s blocking of Scotland’s Gender Recognition bill illustrates how far anti-gender groups have ingrained in trans rights’ discussions 18th January 2023 611 0 0 Press release: The UK government’s blocking of Scotland’s Gender Recognition bill illustrates how far anti-gender groups have ingrained in trans...
Press release: European Parliament adopts first ever standalone resolution on universal decriminalisation of homosexuality and trans identities 20th April 2023 1507 0 1 Press release: European Parliament adopts first ever standalone resolution on universal decriminalisation of homosexuality and trans identities