European Parliament calls for protection of LGBT people’s human rights worldwide 16th December 2010 1385 0 0 Today the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report pays particular attention to human rights...
Response to the parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity disorder 21st January 2011 1371 0 0 European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection John Dalli answered a parliamentary question on the depathologisation of gender identity...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Support to promote equality for transgender people 4th March 2011 1416 0 0 Today ten Members of the European Parliament asked the European Commission whether it planned to provide funding specifically to transgender...
European Parliament: Situation of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women deserves specific attention 8th March 2011 1372 0 0 In its just-adopted 2010 report on equality between women and men in the European Union, the European Parliament said the situation of lesbian and...
MEPs welcome new gender change law in Portugal; concerned about Lithuania 21st March 2011 1456 0 0 Members of the European Parliament have reacted to recent developments in national laws affecting transgender people. While Portugal adopted a...
Response to the parliamentary question on promoting equality for transgender people 4th May 2011 1315 0 0 Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, answered a written question on...
Podcast: LGBTI rights in the world 1st July 2011 1933 0 0 Yesterday, the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights held a public hearing on LGBTI rights in the world (read our summary)...
Summary: LGBTI Rights in the World 7th July 2011 1699 0 0 On 30 June 2011, the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights held a hearing on LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex)...
European Parliament: World Health Organization must stop treating transgender people as mentally ill 29th September 2011 1442 0 0 In a resolution adopted yesterday, the European Parliament has called on the World Health Organization to stop considering transgender people as...