European Parliament reaffirms LGBT rights are a condition to join the European Union 10th February 2010 1935 0 0 Today the plenary session of the European Parliament adopted reports on the accession to the European Union for Croatia, the Former Yugoslav...
Turkish Court rules in favour of freedom of assembly 3rd May 2010 1634 0 0 Last Friday 3oth April, the local court in Izmir, Turkey, ruled in favour of the Black Pink Triangle Association‘s right to exist. The...
Turkey: Harsh police violence against transgender activists 18th May 2010 1419 0 0 Yesterday evening, on the 6th International Day Against Homophobia, uniformed police forces violently attacked five transgender activists from...
Turkish LGBT activists: More pressure from the EU, equality now 4th November 2010 1470 0 0 Ulrike Lunacek MEP, Co-president of the LGBT Intergroup, held a lunch debate with LGBT activists in Istanbul on the occasion of the Greens/EFA...
Slow progress for LGBT people in EU accession countries 9th November 2010 1915 0 0 Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in...
Turkey and Montenegro: LGBT rights part of EU accession conditions 9th March 2011 1898 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted two resolutions on Turkey and Montenegro’s progress towards joining the European Union. The Parliament said...
European Parliament adopts 2012 accession reports 2nd April 2012 1447 0 0 On Thursday 29 March the European Parliament adopted its annual enlargement progress reports for Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. All...
New EU accession reports: LGBT rights in South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and Iceland 11th October 2012 1555 0 0 The European Commission’s annual reports on accession countries were published yesterday, and include important information on the situation...
Turkey continues to allow and encourage discrimination 11th February 2013 1397 0 0 The European Committee on Social Rights has released its conclusions on Turkey’s conformity with the European Social Charter, a European...