Baltic Pride 2010 unfolds peacefully
9th May 2010
Baltic Pride 2010 unfolded today without major hurdles. 350 marchers from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as other EU Member States, marched under heavy police protection as the event permit was reinstated at the last minute by the Administrative Supreme Court yesterday Friday.
Several politicians and diplomats also took part in the historic first:
- Birgitta Ohlsson, Swedish Minister for EU affairs;
- Ambassadors of Sweden, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Norway;
- Michael Cashman, Ulrike Lunacek, Sophie in ‘t Veld and Christofer Fjellner, Members of the European Parliament and part of the Intergroup on LGBT Rights;
- Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė, Member of the Lithuanian Parliament;
- Volker Beck, Member of the German Parliament;
- Belinda Pyke, Director for Equality between Men and Women, Action against Discrimination, Civil Society in the European Commission.