Plenary summary: EU budget for 2023, resolution on growing hate crimes against LGBTIQ people in light of the homophobic murder in Slovakia

During its October II plenary session, the European Parliament Plenary debated and voted on some files that relate to the human rights of LGBTI persons: 

Council position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023

On Tuesday, Members of the European Parliament debated the report on the Council position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023 (rapporteurs: Nicolae Stefanuta, Renew Europe and Niclas Herbst, EPP). The report was adopted on Wednesday.

The European Parliament recalls that the budget should promote public investment by supporting productive and strategic sectors, public services, the creation of jobs with rights, the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequalities, the protection of the environment and the full use of the potential of each country and region, together with the pursuit of external relations rooted in solidarity, cooperation, mutual respect and the promotion and safeguarding of peace.

It highlighted in particular:

  • 34. […] need to promote respect for the rule of law and fundamental rights; stresses the crucial role of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme in strengthening Union values, Union citizenship and democracy, equality and gender equality and the rule of law in the Union, and in supporting victims of gender-based violence; reverses, therefore, the Council’s cuts to the programme; decides, further, to increase the Daphne strand by EUR 2 million above the DB to tackle gender-based violence, which has worsened since the pandemic, as well as all forms of violence perpetrated against refugees, children, young persons and other groups at risk, such as LGBTIQ+ persons and persons with disabilities, and the ‘citizens’ engagement and participation’ strand by EUR 1,5 million above the DB, in particular to ensure proper follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe;

Watch the plenary debate here.

Na identical amendment was tabled by both he S&D and Left groups to add the specific mention to LGBTIQ+ persons and persons with disabilities to the text. Read it here (page 1) and here (page 5). The role-call votes on this amendment can be found here (page 120-121) (final votes (638): +402, -143, o93).

Consult the results of the roll-call final vote here (page 162-163) (final votes (640): +421, -137, o82).

Resolution on Growing hate crimes against LGBTIQ people across Europe in light of the recent homophobic murder in Slovakia

On Wednesday, Members of the European Parliament debated the Resolution on Growing hate crimes against LGBTIQ people across Europe in light of the recent homophobic murder in Slovakia. The text was adopted on Thursday.

The resolution recalls the particular situation of the homophobic murder that took place in Bratislava on Wednesday of last week, and goes on to assess the situation of hate crime in Europe, focusing on both Council of Europe and EU standards.

In particular:

  • 3. Strongly condemns all forms of hate and violence, as well as any physical or verbal attacks, against persons based on their gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics in both Slovakia and the EU; 
  • 7. Calls on the Slovak Government and the National Council of the Slovak Republic to secure equal rights for LGBTIQ+ people living in Slovakia based on the Charter, guaranteeing the respect of all rights, in particular private and family life, including legal recognition of same-sex couplescalls for the finalisation of the ongoing discussions to reform legal gender recognition respecting international and European standards and calls for its swift adoption;
  • 10. Is deeply concerned by the impunity with which anti-LGBTIQ+ groups, in particular far-right extremist groups, operate in some Member States and stresses that this sense of impunity is among the reasons underlying the alarming rise in violent actions by certain far-right organisations, […]
  • 12. Underlines that hate speech and hate crime are widespread across Europe and have been increasing in recent years; underlines that hate speech by public figures, notably politicians, is perceived as legitimising hatred by those who perpetrate it; deems it necessary to tackle these forms of expression, which incite, spread or promote hatred, and are contrary to the principles of a democratic and pluralist society; […]
  • 17. Calls on the Commission to widen the scope of the annual Rule of Law report to cover fundamental rights systematically, including LGBTIQ+ rights;
  • 19. Recalls that the lack of implementation of court judgements amounts to erosion of the rule of law;
  • 20. Urges the Council to adopt as soon as possible the Council decision on the extension of the list of EU crimes to include speech and hate crimes in Article 83(1) TFEU and urges Hungary and Poland to stop blocking its adoption, and urges Czechia, as the current holder of the rotating Council Presidency, to take further steps in this matter and reach an agreement on it as soon as possible;

Watch the plenary debate here.

Consult the results of the roll-call final vote here (page 69-70) (final votes (570): +447, -78, o45).

For a complete list of all texts (and specific paragraphs) in this legislature touching upon LGBTI issues, check our List of resources available here.