[dates updated] CALL FOR ACTION – The EU as an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” 26th February 2021 10167 0 6 CALL FOR ACTION – The EU as an “LGBTI Freedom Zone”
Press release: The Parliament debates the Declaration of the EU as an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” 10th March 2021 3427 0 1 Brussels, 10 March 2021 The European Parliament debates today the “Declaration of the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone”.[1] The joint motion for...
Press release: The most recent homophobic murder in Belgium is a shocking reminder of the progress we must do on LGBTIQ-phobia 11th March 2021 1778 0 0 Press release: The most recent homophobic murder in Belgium is a shocking reminder of the progress we must do on LGBTIQ-phobia
Press release: The European Parliament declared the EU an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone” 11th March 2021 3614 0 2 Press release: The European Parliament declared the EU an “LGBTIQ Freedom Zone”
Plenary summary: the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone, children’s rights, activities of the Ombudsperson and equal treatment in light of UNCRPD 12th March 2021 1966 0 0 Plenary summary: the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone, resolution on children’s rights and reports on activities of the Ombudsperson and equal...
Hungarian media regulation authority’s censorship of the Family is Family campaign – MEPs write to the Commission 22nd March 2021 2859 0 0 Hungarian media regulation authority’s censorship of the Family is Family campaign – MEPs write to the Commission
Plenary summary: Rule of Law conditionality mechanism, new EU-Africa Strategy and progress reports on Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia 26th March 2021 2077 0 0 Plenary summary: Rule of Law conditionality mechanism, new EU-Africa Strategy and progress reports on Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and...
MEPs write to Italian Senate regarding bill on measures to prevent violence and discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability 20th April 2021 3301 0 1 MEPs write to Italian Senate regarding bill on measures to prevent violence and discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation...
MEPs send message of support for marriage equality bill to the Czech Chamber of Deputies of Parliament 27th April 2021 2616 0 0 MEPs send message of support for marriage equality bill to the Czech Chamber of Deputies of Parliament