Paedophilia and homosexuality are linked, say right-wing MEP 1st July 2010 2935 0 2 At today’s parliamentary hearing on the sexual abuse of children, organised in the European Parliament by the European People’s Party (EPP), an...
Human Rights Chair sends support to St Petersburg Pride 7th July 2010 1461 0 0 The Chairwoman of the Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights, Heidi Hautala MEP, sent a message to the participants of St Petersburg...
Intergroup responds to accusations from Cyprus MP 8th July 2010 1609 0 0 Earlier this year, Andreas Themistocleous MP declared: “just because there exist among us paedophiles, people who practice bestiality...
European Parliament internal note: Transgender Persons’ Rights in the EU Member States 9th July 2010 2024 0 1 European Parliament services have released an internal note, detailing transgender people’s rights in the EU Member States. The note...
Historic European LGBT pride underway in Poland 14th July 2010 1566 0 0 The 18th edition of Europride, the annual European lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride event, is underway. Saturday 17 July will...
European Parliament event: (Trans)Gender Equality? 15th July 2010 1513 0 0 On the 1st September, Marije Cornelissen MEP, together with other MEPs from the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee and the...
Summary of transgender rights conference at the European Parliament 3rd September 2010 1524 0 0 On the 1st September 2010, the conference (Trans)Gender Equality? was co-hosted by the Greens/EFA Group and the Intergroup on LGBT Rights in the...
European Parliament debates the recognition of same-sex unions in the EU 8th September 2010 1759 0 0 Yesterday night, Members of the European Parliament including Intergroup Presidents Michael Cashman, Sophie in’t Veld, Ulrike Lunacek and...
Intergroup writes to EU embassy in Russia about Nikolai Alekseev’s arbitrary arrest 16th September 2010 1447 0 0 The Intergroup wrote urgently to the EU Delegation in Moscow, after learning that Nikolai Alekseev, a prominent human rights defender, was stopped...