European Parliament strongly condemns the murder of David Kato 17th February 2011 1450 0 0 Today the European Parliament formally condemned the murder of David Kato Kisule, a long‑standing human rights defender for the lesbian, gay...
Response to the parliamentary question on phallometric testing 3rd March 2011 1588 0 0 European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström answered a written question on the phallometric testing of gay asylum seekers by Czech...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Support to promote equality for transgender people 4th March 2011 1418 0 0 Today ten Members of the European Parliament asked the European Commission whether it planned to provide funding specifically to transgender...
European Parliament: Situation of lesbian, bisexual and transgender women deserves specific attention 8th March 2011 1373 0 0 In its just-adopted 2010 report on equality between women and men in the European Union, the European Parliament said the situation of lesbian and...
Iran, UN: European Parliament reaffirms support for LGBT rights in the world 11th March 2011 1455 0 0 Yesterday the European Parliament adopted resolutions on EU relations with Iran, and EU action at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council...
Parliamentary question to the Council: Effective use of the LGBT Toolkit 14th March 2011 1382 0 0 Today seven Members of the European Parliament asked the Council how the Toolkit to Promote and Protect the Enjoyment of all Human Rights by...
Open Letter to Moldovan Parliament: “Adopt the anti-discrimination law” 22nd March 2011 1888 0 0 The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova is currently examining a bill on anti-discrimination. The draft law would forbid discrimination on...
Uganda Ambassador: David Kato should share responsibility for his murder 15th April 2011 1442 0 0 In a shocking letter to the President of the European Parliament, the Ambassador of Uganda in Brussels asserts that David Kato “should share...
Response to the parliamentary question on promoting equality for transgender people 4th May 2011 1315 0 0 Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, answered a written question on...