Plenary summary: Gender-Based Violence as a new area of crime, LGBTIQ rights in the EU, EU-Russia relations, Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, Media and Rule of Law in Poland, situation in Afghanistan 17th September 2021 2424 0 0 Plenary summary: Gender-Based Violence as a new area of crime, LGBTIQ rights in the EU, EU-Russia relations, Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, Media...
Plenary summary: impact of intimate partner violence and custody rights, artificial intelligence, EU-US relations and the situation Belarus 8th October 2021 1409 0 0 Plenary summary: impact of intimate partner violence and custody rights, artificial intelligence, EU-US relations and the situation Belarus
MEPs address letter of support to Lithuanian government and Parliament on the Partnership Bill 5th May 2022 1713 0 0 MEPs address letter of support to Lithuanian government and Parliament on the Partnership Bill
Plenary summary: EU Association Agreement with Moldova, reports on Albania, North Macedonia, and Rule of Law in the EU 23rd May 2022 1476 0 0 Plenary summary: EU Association Agreement with Moldova, reports on Albania, North Macedonia, and Rule of Law in the EU
Press release: LGBTI and Children’s Rights Intergroups welcome much-awaited Equality Package 7th December 2022 1054 0 0 Press release: LGBTI and Children’s Rights Intergroups welcome much-awaited Equality Package
Press release: The UK government’s blocking of Scotland’s Gender Recognition bill illustrates how far anti-gender groups have ingrained in trans rights’ discussions 18th January 2023 618 0 0 Press release: The UK government’s blocking of Scotland’s Gender Recognition bill illustrates how far anti-gender groups have ingrained in trans...
Press release: Draft amendments to the Turkish Constitution threaten to further rollback on LGBTIQ rights and violate European Convention on Human Rights 25th January 2023 1038 0 0 Press release: Draft amendments to the Turkish Constitution threaten to further rollback on LGBTIQ rights and violate European Convention on Human...
Press release: LGBTI Intergroup calls on Chechen authorities to release Idris Arsamikov 22nd February 2023 1029 0 1 Press release: LGBTI Intergroup calls on Chechen authorities to release Idris Arsamikov
Queer Event: Panel discussion on LGBTIQ rights ahead of the 2024 elections 14th June 2023 703 0 1 Queer Event: Panel discussion on LGBTIQ rights ahead of the 2024 elections