European Parliament adopts financial package to promote human rights in the world in 2014-2020 11th December 2013 1511 0 0 The European Parliament has just adopted its seven-year financial programme to support democracy and human rights in the world. In the period...
Situation for LGBT people worsens in Russia, Crimea and Ukraine 29th April 2014 1668 0 0 The Crimean crisis has led to increased tensions for LGBT individuals in Ukraine, the territory of Crimea, and Russia. Russia and the territory of...
Plenary summary: Criminalisation LGBT people Egypt, Nigeria; Anti-discrimination law Ukraine 18th July 2014 1632 0 0 The Strasbourg week is over, so it is time for a plenary update. Apart from voting Jean-Claude Juncker in as the new Commission President, the...
Parliament demands action for equal treatment trans people at the workplace 12th October 2015 1513 0 0 Last Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a report urging the Commission and Member States to outlaw discrimination against transgender...
New EU accession reports: LGBTI rights in the Western Balkans and Turkey 12th November 2015 1721 0 0 Tuesday, the European Commission’s published its annual progress reports on accession states’ progress towards EU Membership. The reports...
MEPs and NGOs join open mic on anniversary of the Horizontal Directive 6th September 2018 1761 0 0 On 5 September 2018, MEPs, NGOs and citizens joined together for an open mic in ‘celebration’ of the 10th year Anniversary of the Horizotal...
European Parliament alerts to backlash against gender equality & LGBTI rights 13th February 2019 1689 0 0 On 12 February, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the backlash in women’s rights and gender equality in the EU. The resolution...
“LGBTI-free zones” and hate speech against LGBTI people debated at the EP 27th November 2019 6601 0 0 On Tuesday 26 November, Members of the European Parliament debated on Public discrimination and hate speech against LGBTI people, including LGBTI...
First EP resolution on LGBTI rights of the 9th legislature 18th December 2019 8231 0 1 On 18 December, the European Parliament adopted its first text dedicated to LGBTI rights: a resolution on public discrimination and hate speech...