Intergroup writes to Polish MP on homophobic remarks 24th February 2010 1714 0 0 Update: Read the response letter from the Polish Ombudsman To: Stanisław Pięta MP Cc: Jan Tombiński, Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU...
Polish Human Rights Ombudsman supported Intergroup complaint 13th April 2010 1701 0 0 Polish Human Rights Ombudsman Dr Janusz Kochanowski, recently deceased in the tragic Smolensk plane accident, had recently written to the...
Intergroup writes to Member of the Cyprus Parliament on homophobic remarks 1st June 2010 1612 0 0 Update: Andreas Themistocleous MP responded to our letter, asking that his response be made public. His letter is included at the end of this...
Intergroup responds to accusations from Cyprus MP 8th July 2010 1615 0 0 Earlier this year, Andreas Themistocleous MP declared: “just because there exist among us paedophiles, people who practice bestiality...
Albanian Minister calls for homophobic violence, admonished by Prime Minister 27th March 2012 2071 0 0 Albania’s Deputy Defense Minister recently called to homophobic violence against Albanian citizens planning to organise the country’s...
3,000 march safely at Budapest Pride 9th July 2012 1998 0 0 Budapest Pride 2012 took place safely on Saturday 7 July, despite earlier threats and the mayor’s unwillingness to support the event. Over...
Macedonia: MEPs worry about increasingly homophobic climate 23rd October 2012 1435 0 0 A young activist was attacked on Sunday in Skopje, where a growing climate of intolerance towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people...
Open letter to Lech Wałęsa on disparaging comments about LGBT people 15th March 2013 1659 0 0 Members of the European Parliament wrote today to former Polish President Lech Wałęsa, protesting earlier remarks about LGBT people. A Nobel...
Turkey’s Democracy Reform Package fails LGBT citizens 14th October 2013 1531 0 0 Last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented a ‘Democracy reform package’. Unfortunately, the package leaves out measures...