MEPs write to Ukrainian authorities on the continuous attacks against Ukrainian LGBTI organisation LIGA 5th February 2021 2240 0 0 MEPs write to Ukrainian authorities on the continuous attacks against Ukrainian LGBTI organisation LIGA
MEPs write to Italian Senate regarding bill on measures to prevent violence and discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability 20th April 2021 3290 0 1 MEPs write to Italian Senate regarding bill on measures to prevent violence and discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, sexual orientation...
Plenary summary: Progress reports on Montenegro and Turkey, resolution on ending AIDS by 2030 21st May 2021 1779 0 0 Plenary summary: Progress reports on Montenegro and Turkey, resolution on ending AIDS by 2030
Intergroup addresses Commissioner for Equality regarding upcoming hate crime and speech legislation 25th May 2021 2336 0 0 Intergroup addresses Commissioner for Equality regarding upcoming hate crime and speech legislation
Lesbophobic violence: MEPs address questions to four Commissioners for clarification on follow-up actions 2nd July 2021 3087 0 0 Lesbophobic violence: MEPs address questions to four Commissioners for clarification on follow-up actions
Press release: MEPs join forces to tackle hate crime and speech against LGBTI persons 13th September 2021 1747 0 0 Press release: MEPs join forces to tackle hate crime and speech against LGBTI persons
Press release: The killing of the Italian bill against hate crime and hate speech in the Senate is the perfect reason why European legislation is needed 29th October 2021 1662 0 0 Press release: The killing of the Italian bill against hate crime and hate speech in the Senate is the perfect reason why European legislation is...
Attack against the LGBT Community Centre ‘Rainbow Hub’ in Sofia: MEPs call on government to propose hate crime and hate speech legislation 10th November 2021 2790 0 0 Attack against the LGBT Community Centre ‘Rainbow Hub’ in Sofia: MEPs call on government to propose hate crime and hate speech...
Plenary summary: EU Association Agreement with Moldova, reports on Albania, North Macedonia, and Rule of Law in the EU 23rd May 2022 1464 0 0 Plenary summary: EU Association Agreement with Moldova, reports on Albania, North Macedonia, and Rule of Law in the EU