Budapest Pride: Peaceful overall but right-wing blows and insults 10th July 2013 1784 0 0 Budapest Pride took place on 6 July in the Hungarian capital. The parade was overall peaceful, but numerous right-wing activists were posted...
Press release: Latest move by Fidesz is a deliberate attack against the Hungarian trans community 2nd April 2020 6167 0 1 Brussels, 2 April 2020 [unofficial Hungarian translation below] Trans and gender-diverse persons continue to face discrimination, harassment and...
63 MEPs call on Hungarian government to revoke Article 33 restricting the rights of trans and intersex persons 15th April 2020 7878 0 3 63 MEPs call on Hungarian government to revoke Article 33 restricting the rights of trans and intersex persons
Consultation with civil society on LGBTI rights in Hungary Started 9th April 2020 1818 0 0 EVENT INFORMATION This event brings together MEPs and civil society to discuss LGBTI rights in Hungary under the scope of the article 7 procedure...
Press release: The Horizontal Anti-Discrimination Directive cannot wait another decade 8th May 2020 2741 0 1 Press release regarding Horizontal Anti-Discrimination Directive.
57 MEPs ask Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights to act 8th June 2020 3041 0 0 MEPs ask Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights to submit Article 33 to the Constitutional Court.
Press release: Hungary’s constitutional amendments crystalise state-sponsored LGBTI-phobia and the ongoing attacks on LGBTI Hungarians 15th December 2020 1752 0 0 Press release: Hungary’s constitutional amendments crystalise state-sponsored LGBTI-phobia and the ongoing attacks on LGBTI Hungarians
Instrumentalisation of LGBTI Rights in Autocracies: The case of Hungary Started 4th March 2021 1361 0 0 You are cordially invited to our virtual roundtable focused on LGBTI rights in Hungary. The event counts on the presence of Hungarian NGOs...
Plenary summary: the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone, children’s rights, activities of the Ombudsperson and equal treatment in light of UNCRPD 12th March 2021 1959 0 0 Plenary summary: the EU as an LGBTIQ Freedom Zone, resolution on children’s rights and reports on activities of the Ombudsperson and equal...