Prides without parades: the fight for equality continues Started 18th May 2020 1817 0 0 This virtual roundtable is organised for the occasion of IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Interphobia)...
Press release: IDAHOBIT must always be an opportunity to give the community visibility 17th May 2020 2741 0 0 IDAHOBIT must always be an opportunity to give the community visibility
Defending LGBTI rights in the EU: linking Rule of Law with Fundamental Rights Started 17th May 2021 1002 0 0 You are cordially invited to our virtual roundtable for the occasion of #IDAHOBIT 2021. The event counts on the presence of MEPs, the Commissioner...
[Portuguese Council Presidency event] Together with LGBTI persons: paces, challenges and dialogues Started 12th May 2021 850 0 0 The Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be organising the online event “Together with LGBTI persons: paces...
National Action Plans on LGBTIQ Equality: How do they contribute to equality in the EU? Started 16th May 2022 814 0 0 You are cordially invited to the cross-party event organised by MEPs Malin Björk, Pierre Karleskind and Maria Walsh for the occasion of IDAHOBIT...