European Parliament says the EU should do more for transgender people’s rights 17th June 2010 1429 0 0 Today the European Parliament adopted a strong position in favour of safeguarding transgender people’s fundamental rights. The Parliament...
European Parliament internal note: Transgender Persons’ Rights in the EU Member States 9th July 2010 2027 0 1 European Parliament services have released an internal note, detailing transgender people’s rights in the EU Member States. The note...
European Parliament event: (Trans)Gender Equality? 15th July 2010 1515 0 0 On the 1st September, Marije Cornelissen MEP, together with other MEPs from the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee and the...
Summary of transgender rights conference at the European Parliament 3rd September 2010 1528 0 0 On the 1st September 2010, the conference (Trans)Gender Equality? was co-hosted by the Greens/EFA Group and the Intergroup on LGBT Rights in the...
New EU gender equality strategy looks into transgender people’s rights 22nd September 2010 1520 0 0 Yesterday European Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Viviane Reding presented the 2010-2015 Strategy for equality between women and men in the...
Podcast: Transgender rights 14th October 2010 1791 0 0 For the October edition of the podcast, we’re welcoming Raül Romeva i Rueda and Marije Cornelissen, two Green MEPs involved in the...
Parliamentary question to the Commission: Depathologisation of gender identity disorder 23rd October 2010 1395 0 0 On the occasion of the International Day for Depathologisation of Trans Identities on the 23rd October 2010, the Intergroup on LGBT Rights has...
New legal report on homophobia and transphobia in the EU 30th November 2010 1469 0 0 Today the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency released an updated EU-wide legal analysis: Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on...
Podcast: Legal report on homophobia and transphobia 30th November 2010 1777 0 0 A special episode this month: we’re with Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency, and Evelyne...