LGBT votes in 2009-2014: Fight homophobia in Russia (4/5) 15th May 2014 1813 0 0 During the 2009-2014 legislature, MEPs voted on LGBT issues over 250 times. In the run-up to the International Day Against Homophobia and...
LGBT votes in 2009-2014: EU Roadmap against homophobia (5/5) 16th May 2014 1754 0 0 During the 2009-2014 legislature, MEPs voted on LGBT issues over 250 times. In the run-up to the International Day Against Homophobia and...
2009-2014: 4 political groups led the way for LGBT rights 16th May 2014 2359 0 0 Between 2009 and 2014, the European Parliament constantly promoted the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Centre and left...
#EP2014: Why does this election matter for LGBTI rights? 22nd May 2014 1776 0 0 Starting today, the 8th direct election to the European Parliament will determine the EU’s action over the next five years, including in the...
Backroom deal rules out same-sex unions in Slovak constitution 4th June 2014 1527 0 0 Today, Slovak MPs from SMER (Social-Democrats) and KDH (Christian-Democrats) voted to define marriage as a ‘unique bond between a man and a woman’...
Denmark becomes Europe’s leading country on legal gender recognition 12th June 2014 1815 0 0 Yesterday, the Danish Parliament voted a new regulation which will make it easier for transgender persons to see their preferred gender officially...
Intergroup Co-President attacked at Vienna Pride 17th June 2014 1359 0 0 Last Saturday, Co-President of the LGBT Intergroup Ulrike Lunacek was attacked at Vienna Pride. A liquid likely to be butyric acid—a toxic but...
Kyrgyz ‘anti-propaganda’ bill on verge of becoming law 25th June 2014 1442 0 0 Last week, the Kyrgyz Parliament’s Human Rights Committee approved the anti-LGBT ‘propaganda’ bill. The decision brings the bill closer to a...
UN Human Rights Council adopts non-inclusive ‘Protection of the Family’ resolution 27th June 2014 1544 0 1 Yesterday the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on the “Protection of the Family”. The resolution calls on the High Commissioner for...